When God created man, He wanted man NOT to be a servant but to be His son because he had no shortage of servants. In creating man, God’s desire was met. It was His holy will, His desire, His longing and His mind to have many sons for Himself.
A servant always does what the master tells, but a son always does the father’s will. A master always tells servants what he wants them to do and they do it, but sons will be concerned about what is upon the father’s heart being sensitive to his will. A son is so different from a servant. A son will speak of his father’s deep desires and needs. And a father delights upon what a son does. A servant works for wages, but a son does not work for wages. Yes, it is the Son who inherits what is of the Father! Glory! Hallelujah!

Joseph saw far ahead of his days by the Spirit. He longed to be part of that which was yet to come, he hungered for it, and not only that he went ahead and made provision to be found in it. And he was part of that great event about which he prophesied and prepared for. If you and I catch the same vision for the end of the age as God has promised for His church, your heart will be thrilled with the glory of what God is about to-do!

The book
expounds the Three Appearances of Christ recorded in Verses 24, 26-28 of
Chapter 9 of the Book of Hebrews. To understand the subject, one has to know
the important Feasts celebrated by Israel in the Old Testament. The author has
therefore taken great pains in giving a brief gist of all the important feasts
recorded in the Bible. If the book understood as it should be with the help of
the Holy Spirit, it would create a deep desire and longing in the hearts of the
readers for the Lord Jesus Christ to appear in our lives. His third appearance
will be at the Outer Court near the door of the tabernacle for those that are
looking for Him !

In Acts 3:2, we read of a lame man who sat at the temple entrance for 40 years. If he knew anything about what was happening inside the temple it would only be a second-hand knowledge. Like this lame man, the church has been waiting before the veil of the Most Holy Place for several years. Now is the time for the church of Jesus Christ to enter in, leaping and praising, to know for herself what the Lord has wrought for her. This booklet is presented to throw some light on the pathway to God's purpose in Christ Jesus. God's purpose is a vast subject, but it is offered here in a condensed and abridged form.

messages were first spoken in the Bangalore Camp Meetings in December 1993.
Thereafter, it was also ministered in the House of God in Delhi. The author,
along with his fellow brothers felt a guidance to have these published in
The book
brings out the truth of the Body of Christ, the bride of Christ, who prepares
herself and makes herself ready for her union with the Lord. The Lord is
calling His church in these days to have a greater union , closeness and
intimacy with the Lord. Therefore, all else is to be set aside to the one great
priority to fulfil the desire of God for His people upon the earth. The one who
has ears to hear, will surely respond to the call and voice of the Holy Spirit
in these last days!

There are
many Jonathans today, who could either continue to remain a part of Saul’s
house (the organised church) which is decaying and dying day by day or they may
arise, separate themselves and be a part of David’s House ( the body of Christ)
which God is establishing by His Spirit.
This book is a ‘sign-post’ to many in the valley of decision.

The book
brings out valuable historical background of the Church to portray its
ordination, deterioration, restoration and the church’s ultimate
destination.The Church means more to Christ, than all the wealth of the
universe. The Lord loved the Church and gave himself for her.

people have become too familiar with the pleasures of His provisions; they have
become too familiar with the blessings from His hands that they have discarded
tears of repentance. This book shows how
passionate desperation and dependance upon God enters His church, you will
discover God in the folds of time!

contents of this book are taken from the weekly devotions which were sent by
email to the remnant of God both in India and abroad. This book is for the hungry that yearn for
more of God and are willing to glean in the fields of the Heavenly Boaz, Jesus
Christ our Lord!

contents of this book are taken from the weekly devotions which were sent by
email to the remnant of God both in India and abroad. This book is for the hungry that yearn for
more of God and are willing to glean in the fields of the Heavenly Boaz, Jesus
Christ our Lord!

With new birth, you have only made a beginning in your life on the Christian pathway. That means you have to receive much more from God. There are great adventures ahead! God wants to make you like HIS pattern Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. He wants to use you to bring other people to the Lord Jesus. Jesus said, "I am come that they might have life and ... have it more abundantly". (John 10:10) Jesus wants you to co-operate with Him in leading you into this abundant life, this overcomers' life. You have just entered through 'the gate of Salvation. Do not be content with that. Go on and be what God wants

growth demands the provision fo strong, solid and stable foundations. You cannot hope to progress spiritually with
weak and insecure foundations, however hard you try. This book could not only
help you lay a sure foundation but also enable you to examine whether your
spiritual growth is according to His pattern.

This book
stresses God’s desire to have fellowship with His people in splendid
fullness. It offers practical guidelines
for experiencing His fellowship and shows how light, fellowship and life are so
linked together in God’s divine economy.
As you read these pages, you will discover how God intends to bring His
people into His ultimate purpose. Unless
His remnant will come into an exclusive, pristine fellowship with the Father
and the Son and with one another there is no way He will be able to fulfill His

majority in Christendom believe that Holy Jerusalem or the City of God is a
literal place. The hungry and searching
heart of a true child of God has to be open to the Holy Spirit for a fresh
input. It is my prayer that your
spiritual eyes may be opened to behold Holy Jerusalem, the City, of God as you
read the pages of this book.